Beesk Classic

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings
(4 customer reviews)


• Stimulates the immune system, increases the body’s resistance to infections.
• It is effective at the first symptoms of colds and flu.
• Relieves the condition during the disease, helps the body to cope with the disease and avoid complications.
• Increases work ability and supports tone, prevents fatigue and fights stress.
• Supports respiratory system functions.
• Contributes to the rapid regeneration of the body after mental and physical exertion or after illnesses.
• Controls energy exchange.
• Neutralizes the effects of adrenal gland hormone deficiency.

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Beesk Classic contributes to the strengthening of immunity and increases the body’s resistance to infections. He is a champion in the fight against infections. Effectively protects the body during cold weather, successfully fights the first symptoms of colds, normalizes the work of the respiratory tract. It eases the general condition during the disease, helps faster healing and prevents complications.
This bioactive dietary supplement is also an additional source of iodine and iron, which increase physical activity and help to overcome fatigue. Propolis and royal jelly destroy pathogenic microorganisms, strengthen immunity and stimulate blood circulation, help quick recovery after illness.

  • Increases the body’s resistance to viral infections
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Normalizes the work of the respiratory organs
  • Increases working ability and supports the tone of the organism

Ingredients of Beesk Classic products feed the cells of the body with flavonoids, thanks to which the development of microbes is prevented, inflammatory processes are stopped, and impurities are expelled from the cells, which is the cause of inflammation. Beesk Classic eases the general condition of the body during illness, it is effective at the first signs of a cold.

All people depend on changes in time periods, temperature fluctuations, stressful situations, etc. The Beesk Classic natural biocomplex will help you live life to the fullest and live a healthy life. One of its main ingredients is schizandra — a veritable treasure trove of vitamins and microelements that help the body adapt to the conditions of the surrounding environment.

The spectrum of action of schizandra is unusually wide. First of all, thanks to schisandra and its enhanced action in the cerebral cortex, the increased reflective activity of the central nervous system contributes to an increase in mental and physical working capacity. The refreshing and stimulating effect of schizandra is especially pronounced during hard mental work, when concentration and attention are necessary. It is very important that its tonic effect does not consume nerve cells.

In addition, schizandra increases immunity and has a stimulating effect on respiratory function. Propolis extract, which is also part of the Beesk Classic plant complex, is especially effective in infectious processes in the respiratory tract.

It is about the fact that the “door” for the passage of viruses, microbes and bacteria into the body, blows to our immune system, is our throat. Propolis extract is a powerful antiseptic that increases the protective powers of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and throat, it is able to increase the protection of our “neck” from harmful agents at the first symptoms of colds and flu.

Propolis extract has a positive effect on local immunity, activating specific and non-specific protection mechanisms. It achieves the recovery process as quickly and efficiently as possible and prevents possible complications.

Another effective stimulator of the immune system in the Beesk Classic complex is royal jelly. In addition to increasing the body’s resistance to infections, its proteins contain all the essential amino acids that the body uses to create new cells. Royal jelly has an energy-stimulating and vitalizing effect on the body, contributes to strengthening endurance, increasing work ability and normalizing the work of organs and organ systems.

Iron and iodine, which are also components of the Beesk Classic complex, will increase physical activity and immunity, improve tissue respiration, increase a person’s emotional tone and save him from excessive fatigue. Combined with the natural components of the Beesk Classic complex, these minerals help fight viruses when entering the body, reducing the risk of possible complications, which, if a cold occurs, could not be avoided.

Rhodiola is classified as a powerful adaptogen due to its ability to increase the body’s resistance to physical, chemical and biological stressors, while it also has a role in “normalizing the body’s work”. Studies show that rhodiola can help the body manage stress in a more balanced way, and research on individuals suffering from stress-related fatigue has found that rhodiola supplementation reduces cortisol (a stress hormone), reduces stress-related fatigue and improves concentration.

Glycyrrhizin, a substance found in licorice, is metabolized to glycyrrhizic acid in the intestines. Research shows that glycyrrhizic acid neutralizes the effects of adrenal hormone deficiency.

Thanks to the efficient and balanced formula of the Beesk Classic complex, you can be sure that the entrance door for infections is securely closed, which is of great importance in case of weakened immunity. Beesk Classic will help you not only to fight the disease quickly, but also to avoid possible complications.

Composition: schizandra fruit, propolis extract, royal jelly, iron, iodine, red rhodiola root, licorice root.

Quantity: 60 capsules

Net weight: 34.2g

(1,14 g)
Iron 10 mg 71,4%
Iodine 50 µg 33,3%
Dry extract of schisandra fruit (Schisandra chinensis), standardized to 5% schisandrin

  • of that schisandrine
400 mg

  • 20 mg
dry propolis extract, standardized to 12% total polyphenols, expressed as galangin

  • of that galangin
100 mg


  • 12 mg
Royal jelly 20 mg **
dry extract of red rhodiola root (Rhodiola rosea), standardized to 3% rosavin

  • of that rosavins
80 mg

  • 2,4 mg
dry licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra), standardized to 7% glycyrrhizic acid

  • of which glycyrrhizic acid
285,7 mg

  • 20 mg

* NRV – nutritional reference value
** – nutritional reference value not established

Reviews (4)

4 reviews for Beesk Classic

  1. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Dragana D. (verified owner)

    Beesk Classic je zaista čudo za moj imuni sistem. Ranije sam često prelazila prehlade i grip, ali od kako koristim ovaj proizvod, simptomi su se znatno smanjili, a i oporavak je brži. Osećam se spremnije da se suočim sa ovim virusima.

  2. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Zoran A. (verified owner)

    Beesk Classic mi je povratio snagu koju sam mislio da sam izgubio sa godinama. Osećam se vitalnije i manje umorno. Ovaj proizvod mi je pomogao da se borim protiv umora i da se vratim u formu. Definitivno preporučujem svim starijim osobama.

  3. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Marko Ž. (verified owner)

    Beesk Classic je moj tajni sastojak za brzu regeneraciju. Nakon intenzivnog dana na poslu ili fizičkog napora, ovaj proizvod mi pomaže da se brže oporavim. Osećam se manje iscrpljeno i spremno za nove izazove. Bez sumnje, ovo je proizvod koji svako treba imati u svom arsenalu za zdravlje.

  4. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Jovana J. (verified owner)

    Beesk Classic je postao neophodan deo mog svakodnevnog života. Kao osoba sa problemima sa nadbubrežnom žlezdom, borba sa umorom i niskim nivoom energije bila je svakodnevna. Ovaj proizvod je za mene prava blagodet. Pomaže mi da održim energiju i neutrališe efekte nedostatka hormona nadbubrežne žlezde. Osećam se bolje nego ikad, a Beesk Classic mi je podrška bez koje ne mogu.

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Beesk ClassicBeesk Classic

Availability: In stock

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