Junior Classic

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 6 customer ratings
(7 customer reviews)


• Provides the developing child’s body with a spectrum of necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements. • Provides complete absorption of calcium and contributes to the strengthening of bones and teeth. • Increases the body’s resistance to colds and strengthens immunity. • It is effective in the period of adaptation of children to kindergarten and school. • Contributes to the proper development of the child. • Positively affects the stability of the child’s nervous system. • Increases motor and cognitive activity. • Meets all the needs for the harmonious development of the organism. • Supplements the lack of vitamins and iodine in the child’s body.

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Junior Classic complex contains a “golden” set of vitamins and minerals necessary for the child’s body. It provides the child with all the macro- and microelements necessary for healthy growth. Acting at the cellular level, the active ingredients of the Junior Classic complex encompass all systems of the child’s organism, ensuring the all-round development of the child during the period of active growth. Their continuous work enables the child’s development to proceed normally. Let’s look at the action of the components of the Junior Classic product on the examples of the basic systems of the child’s organism. For the normal functioning of the nervous system, the realization of mental processes and the maintenance of good sleep, children need, first of all, vitamins of the B group. Vitamin B1 participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, and vitamin B6 contributes to the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), which increases cognitive and motor activity, and thus the child’s mood. Vitamin B6 also participates in the normalization of children’s behavior, as it contributes to the education of nerve endings involved in the process of transmission of nerve impulses. Vitamins C and E , as powerful antioxidants, protect brain nerve cells from the action of free radicals, prevent the feeling of fatigue and irritability that are very characteristic of children. To improve memory, learning abilities and concentration, children need vitamin E. It protects brain cells and neurons from peroxidation, prevents the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain, thus improving concentration. B group vitamins and zinc are also important for brain function. Vitamin C supports immunity and protects the body from infections. It has strong regenerative and antioxidant properties, is an effective antihistamine, which in turn reduces the unpleasant consequences of colds, including inflammation, runny nose and pain. B vitamins improve the protective properties of the organism and contribute to the development of antibodies. Minerals such as zinc, ironand magnesiumwill help activate cellular protection and are also basic macro- and microelements that improve memory. In addition, iron is essential for blood health and to prevent anemia. Ironis a constant part of hemoglobin that actively participates in the transfer of oxygen. Vitamins B6 and B9, which ensure the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes), are also responsible for the delivery of oxygen. Zincnormalizes the processes of hematopoiesis, and magnesiumsupports the cardiovascular system as a whole. Magnesiumcontributes to the normalization of unstable and easy sleep, having a calming effect on the sensitive nervous system. Acting in a complex, these three elements help the child to concentrate and reduce irritability, especially during the learning process. Likewise, in times of heavy workload at school, B group vitamins are important, as they have a complex effect on the brain. Vitamin B6 improves appetite, reduces fatigue and irritability of the child. Vitamin B9 is of great importance for the formation of new cells, which prevents weakness, pale appearance, headache, poor appetite and sleep, as well as movement coordination disorders. That is why this product is a mandatory element of every kid’s diet. Vitamin B12 is also responsible for the formation of new cells. In addition, it participates in the growth of bones and relieves nervous tension. Vitamins of the B group prevent problems with the intestines, normalize the work of the digestive tract and the exchange of substances. They help the child’s body to convert food into energy, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. Chromiumtakes an active part in regulating the exchange of carbohydrates and lipids. Magnesiumis considered one of the best means of reducing the acidity of gastric juices. It is recommended against stomach pain, heartburn and discomfort. Iodine regulates the exchange of matter and energy, the work of the nervous system and brain, body temperature, growth and development. Iodine is a trace element that is simply necessary for a child’s intellectual development. The fact that IQ is directly related to the iodine content in the body has been confirmed, since iodine is the key to successful mental, physical and mental development. Vitamin D3 provides a basic investment in bone and tooth health. It takes care of the absorption of calcium in the intestines and prevents its excessive excretion from the kidneys. Vitamin D3 provides optimal calcium absorption for the formation of healthy bones. Manganese is of great importance for the formation of bone and connective tissue. Selenium , copper , vitamins C , E , beta-carotene protect the child’s body from the unpleasant effects of the surrounding environment. It has not only high antioxidant activity, but also immunostimulatory and adaptogenic effect and preserves memory excellently. Chromiumnormalizes blood glucose levels and restores tolerance to it in children with a lack of protein and energy. It, like manganese, actively affects the synthesis of cholesterol and contributes to reducing its levels in the blood. During the period of active growth, manganese is unusually important for the child’s nervous and immune system. Vitamin C supports the health of bones and teeth, accelerates the ability to heal wounds faster. It participates in the synthesis of collagen, an important structural component of the skin, blood vessels, tendons, ligaments and bones. Vitamin K is known as a coagulation vitamin, which means that it has an irreplaceable role in blood clotting. The liver produces several types of proteins that travel through the blood as inactive. If bleeding occurs in the body (either spontaneously or as a result of injury), vitamin K, together with calcium, enables the activation of clotting proteins. Now as active forms, the proteins form a clot at the site of bleeding, stopping the bleeding. Vitamin K has a positive effect on the mineral content and density of bones, thereby providing protection against osteoporosis in later years. Vitamin K activates osteocalcin, which plays a key role in incorporating calcium into bone tissue. Magnesium reduces the risk of fragility and fragility of bones in children, it plays an important role in the mechanism of muscle contraction and energy processes. Beta-carotene keeps the skin, hair and bones in a healthy state. It is a guardian and regenerator of good eyesight, and contributes to the normal work of the retina. Eyes also need vitamin C , because without it, the body will not be able to create antioxidant protection for the organs of vision. Junior Classic is very pleasant to consume: it is made in the form of chewable tablets with a natural strawberry taste, which children associate with candies.

  • Contributes to physical development
  • Increases the body’s resistance to disease
  • Strengthens teeth and bones
  • Stimulates mental development
  • A source of vitamins
  • It supplements the lack of vitamins and iodine in the child’s body.
  • Contributes to the development of the child’s organism as a whole.
  • It affects the physical, mental and psychological development of the child.
  • Supports the work of the nervous system.
  • Increases reaction speed, attention, memory and patience.
  • Eliminates irritability and improves sleep.
  • It regulates the metabolism and the energy status of the child’s organism.
  • It has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite.

Composition: iron, zinc , manganese , copper , chromium , iodine , vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, biotin, folic acid , B12 , C , K , D3 , E, magnesium , selenium and beta-carotene . Amount: 60 chewable tablets Method of administration: For children older than 3 years, one tablet once or twice a day. Net weight: 60 g

Active ingredients: One tablet (1 g) contains: Two tablets (2 g) contain:
Iron 3.1 mg (22.1% * ) 6.6 mg (44.2% * )
Zinc 2.67 mg (26.7% * ) 5.34 mg (53.4% ​​* )
Manganese 0.45 mg (22.5% * ) 0.9 mg (45% * )
Copper 190 µg (19.0% * ) 380 µg (38.0% * )
Chromium 9.5 µg (23.7% * ) 19 µg (47.4% * )
Iodine 28 µg (18.7% * ) 56 µg (37.4% * )
Vitamin B1 0.43 mg (39.1% * ) 0.86 mg (78.2% * )
Vitamin B2 0.64 mg (45.7% * ) 1.28 mg (91.4% * )
Niacin 5.26 mg NE**** (32.9% * ) 10.52 mg NE**** (65.8% * )
Pantothenic acid 1.18 mg (19.7% * ) 2.36 mg (39.4% * )
Vitamin B6 0.54 mg (38.6% * ) 1.08 mg (77.2% * )
Biotin 7.75 µg (15.5% * ) 15.5 µg (31% * )
Folic acid 110 µg (55.0% * ) 220 µg (110.0% * )
Vitamin B12 0.63 µg (25.2% * ) 1.26 µg (50.4% * )
Vitamin C 22 mg (27.5% * ) 44 mg (55% * )
Vitamin E 3.15 mg α-TE*** (26.2% * ) 6.3 mg α-TE*** (52.4% * )
Vitamin K 34 µg (45.3% * ) 68 µg (90.6% * )
Vitamin D3 2.7 µg (54.0% * ) 5.4 µg (108% * )
Magnesium 56.25 mg (15% * ) 112.5 mg (30% * )
Selenium 5 µg (9% * ) 10 µg (18% * )
Beta-carotene 1700 µg** 3400 µg**

*NRV – nutritional reference value ** – nutritional reference value not established ***α-TE=α-tocopherol equivalent ****NE – niacin equivalent

Additional information




Beta-carotene, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid), Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E


Iron, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc

Reviews (7)

7 reviews for Junior Classic

  1. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Stela B.

    Preporuku sam dobila preko fejsbuka i poslušala sam savet šta da probamo. Ćerkica mi je postala mnogo stabilnija prilikom hodanja i trčanja, a ja nekako sve to prepisujem ovom kompleksu vitamina i minerala!

  2. Serbian

    Milica I.

    Samo da napišem da smo prezadovoljni novim porizvodom. Moja deca su volela junior be wise, a ovaj obožavaju.

  3. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Jana G.

    Moj omiljeni proizvod! Oduševila sam se kada sam videla da je proizvod pojačan i da zamenjuje više proizvoda. Deca ga obožavaju, ukus je savršen! Ja sam spokojna i ne brinem jer deca dobijaju baš ono što im treba za bolji rast i razvoj! Proizvode Vision koristim već 10 godina.

  4. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Marko J.

    Proizvod je odličan! Svi ga u porodici koristimo. Veliki pozdrav

  5. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Anabela F.

    Ja ne verujem kako ukusne! Svi ih u porodici koristimo. Curenje iz nosa i bolovi u grlu su prestali. Odlična je kombinacija sa Junior Be smartom.

  6. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Marijana B.

    Odlične tabletice za decu. Mom sinu su popravile apertit!

  7. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Marijana Š. (verified owner)

    Sad su još bolje, a i lakše mi je da dajem jedan proizvod umesto 3 ili više

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Junior ClassicJunior Classic

Availability: In stock

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