

Serapeptase known as butterfly enzyme, E-15 or silkworm enzyme is a proteolytic enzyme or protein-degrading enzyme isolated from microbes that are indigenous to the silkworm digestive system.

These microbes produce an enzyme that is strong enough to break down mulberry leaves, the only food that silkworms feed on. This enzyme helps silkworm larvae to build their silk cocoons in the shortest possible time. Serapeptase is a very strong biological anti-inflammatory mediator.

In the early 1970s, scientists successfully isolated serapeptase from microbes that are naturally positioned in the womb of the silkworm larva. This enzyme has the ability to remove inanimate tissues from the body. This enzyme is used worldwide in the process of clinical rehabilitation of patients. This preparation is used for some lung injuries because it is believed to have the ability to break down the mucus that is created in the lungs and airways.

This preparation is often used in osteoarthritis as a means of reducing the symptoms of chronic respiratory diseases.

Use of serapeptase

Serapeptase is a biological compound used as an anti-inflammatory agent and is generally used in the following cases:

  • Use in the treatment of arthritis
  • It is used in various forms of heart disease
  • Extremely good assistant in solving the problem of dental infections
  • This compound can be used instead of drugs that fight inflammation and have an analgesic effect and reduce swelling. Also, this compound motivates the immune system.
  • This product is a natural substitute for ibuprofen and other similar drugs and can be sold without a prescription. Serapeptase assimilates lifeless tissue, blood clots, cysts, tumors and arterial plaques, and of course the aforementioned inflammations in all forms. It is a natural, physiological agent that is devoid of gastrointestinal side effects. Serapeptase is the best and strongest natural anti-inflammatory drug that has no side effects.
  • Serapeptase plays a very important role in wound healing and healing and recovery. Recovery is accelerated and in a very recognizable form.
  • Serapeptase has been found to reduce blood clotting and melt clots, as well as reduce varicose veins. Researchers from Germany have determined that serapeptase successfully eliminates plaque arteriosclerosis without damaging healthy cells in the artery wall.
  • Serapeptase also has anti-fibrotic properties and successfully suppresses scar configuration.

Serapeptase research and clinical practice

Research by German scientists has also shown that serapeptase effectively eradicates the formation of sticky deposits, plaques inside blood vessels.

Serapeptase is used extensively in clinical practice in Japan. One study in Japan studied the effects of serapeptase on symptoms in patients with persistent airway disease. After a month of serapeptase treatment, the amount of mucus and mucus was drastically reduced.

In addition, the activity of coughing and expectoration also decreased. The researchers concluded that serapeptase can affect the decrease in neutrophil count and also that it can change the elasticity and viscous behavior of mucus in patients with continuous respiratory problems. In another study, it was proven that people with ear, throat and nose problems can find significant relief using serapeptase.

Additional research has been done especially in people with chronic sinusitis. The test was performed on the elasticity and viscosity of the mucus in the sinuses. After a month, the amount of mucus decreased significantly and its density was also reduced.


  • Postoperative edema and hemorrhage
  • Coughing up post anesthetic mucus
  • Acute and chronic sinusitis
  • Otitis media
  • Acute tonsillitis
  • Inflammation of the Eustachian tube
  • Mastopathy and fibromatous changes in the breast
  • Adnexitis, salpingitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • After surgery, fractures
  • Tendinitis, sprains, sprains
  • Gingivitis, periodontitis, surgical interventions in dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinopharyngitis

Accelerates the dilution and elimination of slime, pus and hematomas.

  • EARS
  • NOSE

Leads to the breakdown of fibrinogen and fibrin.

Effect of serapeptase on the body
Effect on the whole body

Decomposing bradykinin and blocking the release of amines relieves pain in inflamed tissue.


Reduces the occurrence of inflammatory swelling by improving circulation in the site of inflammation.

Who is Serrapeptase recommended for?

  • All persons suffering from inflammatory disorders accompanied by swelling and pain, such as postoperative swelling and bruising, remission of swelling after surgical suturing, establishment of tissue drainage, relief of expectoration of post-anesthetic mucus).
  • All people who have inflamed, painful joints and rheumatoid arthritis as well as back pain
  • To all people who suffer from headaches and migraines
  • All people who suffer from frequent sinus, ear and nose infections (acute and chronic sinusitis, otitis media, acute tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinopharyngitis, inflammation of the Eustachian tube)
  • All athletes who are prone to injuries (fractures, tendinitis, sprains, dislocations)
  • Women with mastopathy and fibromatous changes on the breasts
  • For people who suffer from the formation of deposits on the walls of blood vessels
  • People who need an increased effect of the antibiotic, increasing its concentration in the focus of the infection

If you want to use Serapeptase, it is included in our Senior Classic product in a strength of 60,000 SPU (serapeptase enzyme activity units).

Senior Classic

(3 customer reviews)

OSOBINE PROIZVODA SENIOR Classic • Doprinosi potpunom usvajanju svih vitamina i minerala. • Održava ravnotežu crevne mikroflore. • Jača imunitet. • Preventiva je avitaminoze. • Reguliše razmenu materija. • Daje energiju, vedrinu i dobro raspoloženje. • Smanjuje nivo „lošeg“ holesterola. • Učestvuje u preventivi osteoporoze. • Ublažava bol. • Ubrzava eliminaciju gnoja i hematoma. •…

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