Enjoy NT Classic

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)


• Supports the health of joints and spine, protecting them during activities and loads. • Protects connective tissue from destruction. • It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. • Provides active remineralization of bone tissue, prevents its wear. • Contributes to the regeneration of injured cartilage in the joints and spine. • Prevents damage and stimulates natural cartilage regeneration. • Restores mobility and elasticity in the joints, relieves them from their morning immobility. • Stimulates the formation of fluid and collagen in the joints. • Eliminates fatigue and a feeling of “weight” in the joints after playing sports. • Prepares joints and muscles for physical loads and prevents sports trauma. • Allows you to lead an active lifestyle at any age

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Enjoy NT Classic – an indispensable tool for joints with different types of functional impairment: stiffness, movement problems, pain.

It prevents injury to the joints, joint surface, contributes to the natural regeneration of cartilage. Enjoy NT Classic has a double effect: it facilitates the regeneration of the normal state of the joints and strengthens the bone tissue. Unlike many other joint complexes, this bioactive dietary supplement as part of glucosamine and chondroitin contains MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), which enhances their action. MSM accelerates cell regeneration and nutrition, contributes to the alleviation of inflammatory processes in joints and muscles, relieves painful conditions, provides antioxidant protection. Bamboo extract contributes to the active mineralization of bone tissue and prevents its depletion. Glucosamine and chondroitin contribute to the fastest restoration of surfaces with cartilage, prevent premature destruction and accelerate the metabolism of cartilage tissue.

  • Supports the health of joints and spine, protects during periods of heavy loads
  • Protects connective tissues from damage
  • Stimulates the regeneration of injured cartilage of the joints and spine
  • Helps regenerate joint elasticity
  • Accelerates the formation of synovial fluid and collagen

The complex action of the EnjoyNT Classic dietary supplement consists in supporting the health of the joints from the inside and fighting the destruction of bone tissue.

How does that happen?

With periodic loading, for example, when we walk, our cartilage deforms and returns to its previous form, realizing, in a way, the function of a vacuum cleaner, which ensures the expulsion of decomposition products and the absorption of nutrients and building materials. Pressing and returning to the original state during loading is the basic condition for the regeneration of injured cartilage tissue. Excessive and long-term load on the joint has an unpleasant effect on the function of the cartilage in the joint. In addition, the balance between the formation of new building material for cartilage regeneration and its destruction is disturbed. From a stable elastic structure, cartilage turns into a dry and thin structure with a rough surface. The bone becomes thicker and spreads on the opposite side of the cartilage, which restricts movement and causes deformity of the joints. For its part, the joint capsule becomes firm and, as a result, inflammation occurs. The joint is filled with fluid that stretches the capsule and ligaments of the joint. All this causes pain and immobility. Still, there is a solution! Two chondroprotectors that complement and strengthen each other are glucosamine and chondroitin, which prevent the destruction of cartilage in the joint and stimulate the regeneration of cartilage tissue. As a powerful stimulator of the regeneration process of injured cartilage, glucosamine from the EnjoyNT Classic plant complex improves metabolism in cartilage tissue, prevents its decomposition and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, glucosamine relieves pain, swelling and contributes to the improvement of circulation, restoring mobility to damaged joints. The peculiarity of chondroitin is that it stores water in the cartilage in the form of water surfaces (microspaces – water pads), which create good shock absorption, which results in increased connective tissue strength. An important action of chondroitin is the ability to reduce the action of specific enzymes that destroy connective tissue. Chondroitin has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces joint pain. It protects old cartilage from premature destruction and has the role of a building material for creating new and healthy cartilage. Successfully combined with glucosamine and chondroitin, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) perfectly strengthens joints and ligaments. MSM – a natural organic compound that has incredibly high biological activity. It has a broad anti-inflammatory effect, thanks to which it is able to reduce joint pain and reduce the risk of muscle cramps. In addition, MSM eliminates any inflammation, increases endurance, and reduces muscle pain to a minimum after sports. The basic properties of MSM are: improving the elasticity of joints and blood flow, reducing bloating and stiffness, destruction of calcium deposits. MSM is also involved in connective tissue formation and collagen biosynthesis. In addition, the EnjoyNT Classic dietary supplement formula strengthens the action of chondroitin and glucosamine and increases their effectiveness. The main role in restoring the elasticity and strength of collagen fibers has a unique source of concentrated silicic acid – bamboo extract, which has never been used before in the formulas of joint health products. This revolutionary component from the EnjoyNT Classic dietary supplement provides the complex with a dual action: bamboo not only participates in the restoration of cartilage tissue, but also contributes to the creation of collagen in bone tissue, providing it with active remineralization and preventing its wear. Composition: glucosamine, chondroitin , MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane), bamboo extract (lat. Phyllostachys pubescens ) . Quantity: 60 capsules Net weight: 38.22 g


2 capsules (1.274 g)

Glucosamine Hydrochloride 1000 mg **
Chondroitin sulfate 20 mg **
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 20 mg **
Bamboo stalk ( Phyllostachys pubescens ) in powder

  • of which dietary fiber

20 mg**

  • 5,04 mg**

** – nutritional reference value not established

Additional information

Weight 0,05625 kg


Reviews (2)

2 reviews for Enjoy NT Classic

  1. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Zoran D. (verified owner)

    Mučili su me problemi sa kolenom i ubrzo nisam mogao da hodam. Povreda meniskusa. Lekari su preporučili operaciju, ali moja odluka je bila prirodno lečenje. Pio sam proizvod za zglobove EnjoyNT, Megu i Pax i sve se vratilo na staro. Sad još idem i na rekreaciju i koleno mi je dobro i bez operacije.

  2. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Marta F. (verified owner)

    Zglobovi su mi bili ukočeni i boleli su. Lekari su mi rekli da moram da pijem hondroprotektore. Pila sam glukozamin i hondroitin iz proizvoda EnjoyNT. Odličan je proizvod. Sprečio je dalje oštečenje hrskavice, obnvio je tečnost među zglobovima. Posle 6 meseci se koštano tkivo oporavilo. Sada sam pokretljiva i ništa me ne boli. Čula sam da je kombinacija Hromvitala i Sveltforma odlična za smanjenje šećera te ću to sledeće da probam.

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Enjoy NT ClassicEnjoy NT Classic

Availability: In stock

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