Detox Classic activates the body’s cleansing system at the cellular level, which results in the elimination of toxins and the improvement of cellular activity.
The importance of detoxification is to get rid of toxins that have accumulated in the body, and which cannot be removed using ordinary cleaning procedures.
- It cleanses the body at the cellular level
- It has an immunomodulatory effect
- It has a detoxifying effect
- Stimulates the detoxification functions of the body
- It excretes the products of metabolic processes
- It removes toxins, impurities and heavy metals from the body
- It restores liver cells and enhances detoxification functions
- It has an extremely strong anti-inflammatory effect
- It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system
- Protects against inflammatory diseases and allergies
Its active ingredients are the cat’s claw plant (lat. Uncaria tomentosa ), ginger (lat. Zingiber officinale) , powdered chlorella algae (lat. Chlorella vulgaris ).
Detox Classic improves the detoxification function of the liver and intestines, accelerates the excretion of toxins, effectively cleanses the body after treatment with synthetic medical devices.
Detox Classic enables fine, non-aggressive cleansing of the body, without exhausting effects and stomach disorders. The product normalizes the work of the immune system, providing protection of the organism from unfavorable environmental factors.
Chlorellasupports the work of the digestive system and stimulates the growth of beneficial lactobacilli. Every chlorella cell serves our health. Even the solid walls of this microalgae consist of useful material, which helps to expel not only natural toxic products of metabolism from the body, but also toxins imported from the environment, such as heavy metals and pesticides.
Ginger has detoxifying properties, improves bowel function and digestion, increases energy and metabolic processes in the body, facilitates and stimulates digestion, relieves flatulence, stomach problems and prevents cramps. Studies have shown that it can suppress nausea caused by driving or pregnancy, as well as nausea caused by chemotherapy. It also helps relieve menstrual pain. It has an extremely strong anti-inflammatory effect and improves immunity.
The Detox Classic complex is specially created to support healthy cell division and strengthen cellular immunity, allowing the body’s natural cleansing systems to easily deal with any toxic threats.
How can one plant component simultaneously be a tool for mutual cellular action, to serve as an immunological language of communication between cells, but also to prevent numerous anomalies in cell division and development? This phenomenon can exist if it is a unique phytocomponent, the uncaria tomentosa plant.
As a source of highly active and useful components, uncaria tomentosa is recognized as one of the most powerful immunomodulators in the entire world. It contains a number of alkaloids that have high biological activity, four of which are excellent stimulators of immunity and, above all, cells of the phagocytic system. One of the manifested mechanisms of the immunostimulatory action of this plant is the strengthening of the phagocytic link of immunity, and another is the influence on the normalization of the secretion of neurotransmitters of immunity, which practically affect all cells of the organism, ensuring intercellular cooperation and control of the internal environment.
It is uncaria tomentosa that helps the cells to understand each other better in order to ensure the synchronized work of the separate links of the immune system and the organism as a whole. In other words, this plant normalizes immunity in various indicators of its disorders, such as immunodepression or immunoaggression.
Along with alkaloids, this plant contains bioflavonoids, glycosides, tannins, organic acids that provide a number of biological effects of this plant, especially its action, both at the intercellular and intracellular levels.
The intercellular fluid that surrounds each cell is renewed at the same time as the spent cellular fluid with toxins dissolved in it is expelled through a network of special channels. To clean these intercellular channels, uncaria tomentosa uses its powers to expel toxins and reduce intestinal impurities, stimulating the cleansing functions of the urinary, vascular and lymphatic systems.
To clean the intracellular space, uncaria tomentosa stimulates the work of enzymes that neutralize harmful substances that enter the cells. This herb fights against dangerous toxins and stimulates the removal of slag from the cells.
There are numerous results of experimental research that show the ability of the uncaria tomentosa plant to prevent leukocyte division of leukemia cells.
Composition: cat’s claw (lat. Uncaria tomentosa ) , dry ginger root extract (lat. Zingiber officinale) , powdered chlorella algae (lat. Chlorella vulgaris )
Quantity: 60 capsules
Net weight: 35.4g
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: | 1 capsule (583,5 mg) |
%NRV* |
Cat’s claw (lat. Uncaria tomentosa), root bark | 380 mg | ** |
Chlorella algae (lat. Chlorella vulgaris) | 50 mg | ** |
Dry extract of ginger root (lat. Zingiber officinale) 10:1 | 5 mg | ** |
*NRV – nutritional reference value
** – nutritional reference value has not been established
Marica Đ. (verified owner) –
Kako je u Boru velika zagađenost vazduha, nama ne predstoji ništa drugo,. nego da sami tražimo rešenje kako da spasemo organizam. Tako sam ja počela da se detoksikujem da bih izbacila iz sebe sav taj otrov koji udišemo i koji pijemo. Već godinama pijem Detox i veoma sam zadovoljna. I pored svega, ja dobro dišem, a rezultati krvi su mi prilično dobri.
Valerija Đ. (verified owner) –
Imala sam 21 godinu kada sam čula za Vision proizvode. Imala sam gastritis, trnjenje prstiju na stopalima, loš san, iako sam mislila da sam zdrava. Počela sam da pijem Chromevital i osetila priliv energije već u prvim danima korišćenja. Posle 2 nedelje kako sam pila Detox, Chromevital i Pax prsti na nogama su prestali da trne. Posle 2 meseca ni želudac me nije mučio. Sviđao mi se nov osećaj i nastavila sam da pijem proizvode kako bih održavala svoje zdravlje.