
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 5 customer ratings
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PROPERTIES OF THE VENOSTRONG PRODUCT: • Eliminates swelling • Reduces the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency • Eliminates the feeling of “heaviness” and weakness in the legs, relieves pain • Prevents the occurrence of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins • Helps fight against broken capillaries • Restores and strengthens the walls of blood vessels • Prevents spasms

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VenoStrong helps with chronic venous insufficiency, removes the external manifestations of swelling, reduces the network of blood vessels and varicose veins. It improves blood circulation in blood vessels, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases their tone. It prevents serious complications, which often occur as a result of venous insufficiency. The main components of the VenoStrong product are orange fruit and peel extracts. It contains vital bioflavonoids: diosmin and hesperidin. They have the ability to reduce venous stagnation, reduce capillary permeability. VenoStrong is especially recommended during warm weather, when walking in high heels, as well as when doing work in a sitting position or work that requires standing for a long time.

  • It reduces swellings
  • Relieves the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency
  • Eliminates swelling, feeling of “heaviness” and weakness in the legs
  • Reduces the network of ruptured blood vessels
  • It regenerates and strengthens the walls of blood vessels

We often do not pay attention to symptoms such as weakness in the legs, swelling, cramps during the night, but if they are repeated periodically, we should think about it. This is conditioned by our way of life. Sedentary work or frequent standing, frequent flights, lack of physical activity and excess weight, uncomfortable footwear, minor leg trauma and frequent flights, can eventually lead to chronic venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency is a condition in which blood flow is impaired. In developed countries, up to 89% of women and 66% of men suffer from venous insufficiency to some extent. The negative impact on the development of chronic insufficiency is that most patients seek medical help late. These disturbing symptoms are described by many as fatigue and prolonged physical exertion. Some underestimate the severity of the pathology and do not think about what health problems this condition can lead to. If the disease is not treated, many complications can occur. VenoStrong will relieve you of swelling and the feeling of “heaviness” in the legs, eliminate the syndrome of tired legs and improve blood circulation. It will increase venous tone and reduce venous stagnation. The VenoStrong complex is a new tool in the fight against venous insufficiency. The unique formula of natural venotonics was created especially for a wide range of effects on the vascular system. For the natural complex VenoStrong, unique plant components have been selected that have proven to be the most effective natural remedies in the fight against venous insufficiency. Bitter orange fruit extract is the only natural source of diosmin and hesperidin, which are obtained in the laboratory. It has a vitalizing effect on veins and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the sensitivity of veins, increases their tone, reduces venous stagnation, permeability and capillary fragility, improves microcirculation and lymph flow, which reduces the symptoms of venous insufficiency. Citrus peel extract eases the subjective feeling of venous insufficiency: eliminates swelling, heaviness in the legs, itching, cramps, tired legs syndrome. It has a regulatory effect on large veins and small blood vessels. Grape pomace extract contains oligo proanthocyanidins, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and strong flavonoids, antioxidants that regenerate capillary functions and help fight swelling caused by venous disorders. Grape pomace extract helps relieve pain, reduces cramps, numbness and tingling, especially during the night. Improves venous blood flow. Gotu cola extract improves blood flow, reduces pressure in the veins, contributes to faster regeneration of blood vessel walls and reduces swelling. Improves the condition of varicose veins, reduces the feeling of general discomfort and fatigue in the legs in chronic venous insufficiency. Papaya extract, which contains the enzyme papain, reduces blood viscosity and improves microcirculation, reduces platelet aggregation and their deposition on the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of thrombophlebitis. It has anti-inflammatory and cardiotonic effects. The VenoStrong complex immediately acts on all causes and symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. This complex not only removes the symptoms of the disease, but also prevents the occurrence of serious complications that lead to venous insufficiency. Composition: bitter orange fruit extract (lat. Citrus aurantium L. ) , grape pomace extract (lat. Vitis vinifera L.) , citrus peel extract, gotu kola extract (lat. Centella asiatica L. ) and papaya extract (lat. Carica papaya L. ) . Quantity: 60 capsules Net weight: 30.4g

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 1 capsule (506 mg) %NRV*
dry extract of bitter orange fruit ( Citrus aurantium L. ) (Contains 90% hesperidin and 10% diosmin)

  • of which hesperidin
  • of which diosmin
125 mg  

  • 112,5 mg
  • 12,5 mg
dry grape skin extract ( Vitis vinifera L. ) 100:1 70 mg **
dry extract of bitter orange peel ( Citrus aurantium L. ) (Contains 95% hesperidin and 5% diosmin)

  • of which hesperidin
  • of which diosmin
25 mg  

  • 23,75 mg
  • 1,25 mg
dry extract of gotu kola leaf ( Centella asiatica L. ) 20:1 25 mg **
dry papaya fruit extract in powder ( Carica papaya L. ) 4:1 12.5 mg **

*NRV – nutritional reference value ** – nutritional reference value has not been established

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Reviews (5)

5 reviews for Venostrong

  1. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Feđa S. (verified owner)

    Venostrong je impresivan. Osećam se bolje i bez rizika od tromboflebitisa. Topla preporuka!

  2. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Katarina V. (verified owner)

    Venostrong mi je vratio lepe noge. Kapilari su se smanjili, a noge su mi bez otoka.

  3. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Slađana F. (verified owner)

    Venostrong je moj spas za noge! Zaboravila sam na težinu i grčeve. Savršeno!

  4. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Tomica L. (verified owner)

    Venostrong je neverovatan! Osećam se lakše, bez bola u nogama. Oteklina je nestala

  5. Serbian
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Miodrag G. (verified owner)

    Venostrong je zaista efikasan. Bol je nestao, a osećam se energičnije.

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